I started my own business so I could travel as a digital nomad, and I replaced my corporate salary within 4 months. Here are the 5 steps I took to do it.
Nothing will ever be exactly as you picture it. I always say the key to happiness is low expectations. Be ready to go with the flow and be flexible once you start your journey — that's what makes being a digital nomad amazing: being able to follow your heart around the world. You have to find what works best for you. I was in a very privileged position to be able to take this leap — I had valued skills and experience, financial independence, a supportive family, no real responsibilities, and an American passport. If you don't have those things, you can still be a digital nomad, there will just be additional challenges along the way. But no matter your circumstances, planning your transition to nomadic life before you make the leap will make you more likely to succeed — whatever your definition of success is.